Acts as a judge, moderator, militia, guard or observer of the MD 6Y Challenge Competition
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Battle stats
Won: 2433 | Lost: 2433
Honor: 3626
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
And it was heard as it were,
The noise of thunder,
One of the four beasts saying,
Come and see, and you saw.
And behold, a BLACK horse,
And his name that sat upon him.....was DEATH!
And HELL, followed behind him.
And THE power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth,
To Kill with sword,
And with the beasts of these lands.
A seeker of the Light, though nothing but darkness, destruction and death follows!
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures
I hate those that hate!
Find a player by the name ofTheCoroner.
He has in his possession something that i NEED!
He has in his inventory a t-shirt. Acquire that t-shirt by any means necessary.
Trade for it, beg for it, shoot, knock him over the head and take it from him, i don't really care.
Your reward will be: ANY one of the creatures listed below, plus a few silver coins as well.
Good luck. You will need it, he is quite begrudging to hand it over.
Joker...234 days old
Imperial Armor Assassin...234 days old WITH Blood Drop 1 token
Skill Vampire that's 164 days old
updated 7-21-2009
MR's Training Grounds
Located at the Golden Globe Gazebo in MDA Gardens
Staff .MRD. MRWander MRV MRWarrior MRHoly One Kamate MRAlyon
do not attack without prior knowledge of how we train. For information
on how to attack ask one of our Staff members. We use ONLY non damaging
Example of a Defense : Single Grassan set to Weaken Defense
Example of Attack : 4 Heretic Archers set to Weaken Defense, and 2 Winderwelds
We hope that everyone enjoys what we have created and please do not ruin it for other players by breaking the rules.
If you enter the Golden Globe Gazebo for any purpose, please set a single creature NON damage ritual, even if you do not wish to train
Violators WILL BE Prosectuted by .MRD.
Special thanks to these people for helping create the MR's Training Grounds
.Shoeps. .Akasha. MRWander MRV MRHoly One MRWarrior
Without their support and countless hours of testing this could not have been possible
Page 453 - The Traveler
The Sentinel turns towards east looing at the dark smoke raising up from inner necro. "Burn an other document! they ased for it". A translucent shape moves fast from behind a gravestone and hides behind a dead tree. The Sentinel departs leaving behind it small drops of a black liquid. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it
IMAGE COPYRIGHT NOTE: If you hold the exclusive rights to any of the images used above and do not wish for them to appear on our sites, please contact us with the information proving your ownership and they will be removed immediately.